Sunday, 28 November 2010

foodmetaphors, with glorious food from N1 added

Some of you brought me this list:
a an Apple polisher (someone who attempts to garner favor with someone of higher rank or status,they butter them up)
a Bad apple (just what it says, a rotten item in a group, eg the one corrupt policeman in t he gang. sayings : one rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel., or, contradictory, the bad apple at the bottom of the barrel: all the others are OK)
Baker’s dozen (thirteen of something)
a Bean counter (a name given to accountants or others fixated on fine detail)
Beef: What’s your beef? (What’s your problem?)
beefy- strong, muscular;  solid nourishing food/ideas/etc 
Broth: too many cooks spoil the broth:
the broth of a boy- every bit a boy, a real boy,full of manly characteristics, courage, daring, recklessness...
To Butter up (see “apple polisher”)
a Butterball (a person or animal on the chubby side. Often affectionate.)
a cabbage/ a vegetable  a person in a long, deep(irreversible?)coma,  a braindamaged, braindead person, in a vegetative state(formal)
Cakewalk (an easy task?) to be a piece of cake,= to be easy as pie ( cakewalk : new orleans in origin: a  slaves'dance bulesquing  their master pretend aristocratic  manners.
A big cheese , exactly = un pez gordo
Cheesecake, a hunk of , tio macizo.Often used by wives for their husbands and shortened to hunks, like hon for honey.Pre WWII, a hunk of cheese was a miserable, despicable person.
cherry= virginity, from the red stainTo lose one's cherry, etc.tabu, but frequently used  more  semiformally as a euphemism in metaphor : eg  the regiment lost its cherry  in 1914 (here= saw its first fighting). 
the cherry on a cake etc= the final detail, the luxury detail.

Chicken feed (small amount of something, like money) Teaching is chicken feed compared to banking.
a chicken stealer, the lowest level of petty criminal.
Chopped liver (something insignificant)
Cockles- to warm the cockles of one's heart
 Corn - the most obvious and basic,( especially in leterature, entertainment, tv shows etc. hence the adj: Corny eg A corny joke , an old unsophisticated unsubtle. joke 
a crumpet tabu .
an egg: a good egg =a decent sort, a worthy person (The spanish metaphor with eggs is a nonstarter in English. For the equivalent, see nuts)
 a hardboiled egg =a hardboiled person, often a near-criminal.
 an Egghead (what some people call intellectuals)
a curate's egg. "Good in parts" as polite, faintpraise way of saying something is  hardly good at all, bad, rotten illconcieved, inappropriate, etc 
a   faggot Uk== meatball, USA USA faggot is tabu, fag usa = homosexual,(fag uk = cigarette, or boy servant at traditional schools) Usa faggot = raving homosexual, as an insult.Faggot UK also = carryable bundle of firewood, and old slang UK = a very used and retired prostitute or insultingly, woman who looks old and wrinkled that way. 
Fishy (something suspicious, not right)
To Go bananas (crazy)
a Goose (silly person)
Goulash (a mess)
gravy. the perks and privelidges of the rich and /or influential and powerful
the gravy train: expense accounts, state planes, official cars and residences etc for top administartors and politicians, all at public expense.
to have one's chips: to finish , to be finished with, to die. (in fact, from gambling: to cash one's chips.)
To have one's cake And eat it, one can't,  exactly translates the spanish nadar y guuardar la ropa.
halfbaked, underdone, like  politiciams' halfbaked ideas.
(+or- as)Happy as a clam (content person)
hard boiled- blase, seen everything ,unemotional,unfeeling, unaffected by calamities etc.
jam : extra benefits . jammy, lucky, undeservedly lucky.
Mutton dressed up as lamb: rich old women, mostly.
Nuts,slang affectionate, only semitabu: testicles.
 peanuts, a boy's, or small,  testicles, small boys in general . 
a wingnut is a nutjob or nutty or nuts, = crazy, probably by analogy with squirrel behaviour.
Peanuts, Monkeynuts (small amount of something)Same as chicken feed. Teachers' pay.
Nutty as a fruitcake (crazy person)
 a tough nut          Noun. A difficult or obstinate person
an Odd duck (eccentric person)  lame duck adj : politicians still  temporarily in office but defeated at election.
To play gooseberry : to be the extra young person preserving sexual propriety.
Pea soup (often used to describe the fog of London)
Peanuts (small amount of something)Same as chicken feed
a couch potato, see below
Pork, or pork barrel : unneccessary public money spent on projects and schemes to bribe one sector of voters, minority parties in coalitions, and similar.
Raw  a raw recruit etc 
Scouse- liverpudlian dish ,liverpudlian speech   liverpudlian
To Skewer (to spear someone with harsh words)
a Tart. apple/jam tart= sweetheart, possibly any (lowclass ?)city girl, even a prostitute.adj tarty = cheaply decorated., to tart up , decorate or present in a fancy way, redecorate.
a tough cookie     Noun. A strong unyielding person.tough guy    Noun. A particularly hard and unyielding male, scared of little and acting so.
sixpack 1. Joe sixpack used to mean a couch potato watching TV with his six-can pack of beer. " Now refers to very visible strong abdominal muscles, almost the exact opposite!
a Turkey (someone who just doesn’t measure up, loser) to be cold turkey = addiction withdrawal symptoms. Our turkey/goose is cooked. we've lost. we're turkey, etc
To Waffle (what politicians often do on important issues)Only  by coincidence with the food, it's by analogy with rodents waffling and snuffling meaningless continual noises and face movements.

Click here for more
and here
and here, for exercises

related topic:
caddie clipart picture

glass bottle clipart pictureA Few points:
BEWARE: Food vocabulary is one of those endless specialized black holes that you can spend a lifetime learning! (And thank God we don't have the 3rdworld problem of starving, or only a little better,being undernourished, or ill-fed , and illnourished  at best.
Westerners are overfed)

And there are many, many, other things you need to learn, or to perfect!

So, my advice is
Learn to talk ABOUT food.
Probably more important than just
A few tips:
use category words, Eg for cooking methods:
Boiled,(+0r- hard- or soft-) Baked, Roast, SpitRoast, animated_gif_food_117.gif
Fried, DeepFried, StirFried, Stewed, Broiled, Grilled, Barbecued, Animated Food
Toasted, Steamed, Stuffed,Poached....
DON'T expect to be able to give an EXACT equivalent, very often an exact equivalent DOES NOT EXIST!
It's usually better to DESCRIBE a dish than to try to translate the SPANISH NAME.
(example from English: Do you know what "Toad in the hole"(click 4 link) is ?
Let's translate the NAME of the dish: "SAPO EN EL HOYO"* Does this communicate ANYTHING?
Would YOU ask for that to eat!
Well, the same thing happens if you talk about a "Cubanish ricish dish" or " Daymeal of the sleeve" (Genuine menu examples) for "Arroz a la cubana " or "menestra manchega":
English-Speakers will be lost!  

salt & pepper areSEASONINGS
Anyway, just as in Spanish, just as in Spain, the same DISH may be called differently even from one family to another , let alone one region to another, or over the Atlantic!
Some Spanish dishes are known by the Spanish name, eg Paella
(Historical note: olla podrida= cocido madrileno, but it isn't used in English anymore except as a literary figure. If you say it to the average English person they'll think you're talking about  something else)
Don't confuse, plate, dish, fabada is the national dish of asturias, and course, a six-course meal is typical at weddings
Alright, if you MUST know, "Turron" is "almond and honey -based sweetmeats typical at Christmas and somewhat akin to nougat".Now you know.It's beginning to be sold in England as Turron.


TALKING about a (healthy/unhealthy etc)  DIET remember,  to go/be on a diet = to diet
Category words: Proteins, carbohydrates, Fats and oils, fibre, meat, fish, seafood, shellfish(included in seafood) , Fruit, nuts, eggs , dairy produce/products , veg.(=vegetables)pulses (included in veg.), pastas, bread, cakes &pastries, sweets (candies in USA)  & biscuits (cookies in usa) 
adj.s: whole , junk, fast, traditional, tinned, frozen, dried, preserved, fresh, oily, fatty, fattening, (fatty =contains fat, fattening=make you fat pastas are fattening, bacon is very fatty), Rich (=fuerte), hot (usually=spicey=picante), nourishing, wholesome , burned/burnt, overdone, underdone, raw (crude is unusual for food, but it's in "oliver" for the rhyme)
Pronunciation Dairy rhymes with scary, fairy, , don't confuse with Diary which rhymes with fire +y, 
  How often you have ...?, how much...?   once a week etc 
This gif is just because I liked it,
it came up looking for
greens= veg and
 greens= environmentalists

( Pronunciation :  omit syllables: chocolate vegetable, camera,omelette different)

Free Animations
frutos secos= fruit and nuts: Fruit and nut chocolate

Pr :soup versus soap Soup rhymes with too, clue. true, soAp with hope, no, coat. THIS mistake causes much confusion."supper" rhymes with upper, mother, brother, lover, etc.
recipe: final "e" sounds /i:/. Doctors PRESCRIBE medicines. they give you a Prescription.
False Friends.
Preserved  foods, sometimes callled preserves are often preserved with PRESERVATIVES.(English cooks living in Spain nearly always cause amusement asking for these in shops)
You CONSERVE nature.There are special parks called "conservation Areas". Greens are usually conservationists. Conservationism.
Pickles are PICKLED food, preserved with vinegar.

Now look at the screen and ice age versions

LINK :How To Make Toad In The Hole

Link to a long article on English breakfast

personality: illustrations of sheer, jam

sheer ;
0. sheer basic physical meaning:purely, overwhelmingly, all-that -the-eye-can-see vertical : 
From this derive the senses of (1)pure, unmixed, alone and complete-in-itself ,unalloyed, quintaessential: sheer cheek (la mas pura jeta, solo jeta sin mas), sheer luck, from sheer force of character
-2: for materials (=textiles) seamless, uninterrupted, nothing-but=smoothest,
-since this is  obtained by quality, =finest
from there, in hosiery and underwear ,2 has come to also mean thinnest and most transparent. You do NOT want to see the illustrations of sheer underwear on internet : visually SHEER underwear leaves EVERYTHING in view.

sheer cliffs

Here, the water falls sheer. It falls in a sheer drop

Just about gossamer visibilty :the
less there is , the more it costs.
 :  sheer cheek , in T shirts

by sheer force of personality


DAVE CONE'S MOTHERINLAW'S DOG BIT HIM, he had to have several stiches . They had to stitch him up. frankenstein is the most stitched up fictional character ever.


If you heard this, would you get it?

-Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote
adjective : quixotic /kwIksotIk/
-Guerillas fight guerilla wars

-let's vamoose from the hoosegow

Monday, 22 November 2010

22 nov : a few health problems(under construction)

a collar is still the name for putting on people with suspected neck injuries before putting them on stretchers.
-To sting stang stung: the translation is "picar" but it only refers to toxic animals or plants with special stings : I was stung by a wasp, bee, jellyfish, (medusa) nettle (ortiga) 
Otherwise, things BITE
cf snakes: poisonous ones have special hollow fangs.
-a stomach pump
-a Surgerycontable = false friend = la consulta de un medico, a place
(Surgery incontable =cirurgia)
-Put up with = stand= bear = aguantar, soportar
Usually with can/could:
I can't stand that doctor.I can't bear that doctor . I can't put up with that doctor. OR : when I was little I couldn't bear/stand/put up with injections.


DAVE CONE'S MOTHERINLAW'S DOG BIT HIM, he had to have several stiches . They had to stitch him up. Frankenstein is the most stitched up fictional character ever.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

points from spot the difference!15nov.Beards and bears

When a man hasn't shaved , you can describe this two ways
1. bristles, contable,(literlamente=cerdas, a pig's stiff hairs)He's got bristles(on his face, chin, cheeks, his face is bristly)
2. stubble, incontable, literal mente rastrojos, he's got stubble on etc, his face is stubbly

"Five o'clock shadow", or perhaps just shadow, is the beginnings of stubble, typically by the end of working day

Silver in the Stubble: the first gray hairs, so a sign that you are past your youth. If you are an old plebian , you are gray, and have gray or white hair. In the case of royalty, yourself in your own esteem, or customers, etc, it's not gray but silver.
(Sydney Carter)

(ACBG) Am G Am / Am G Am / Am G Am G Am G / Am G Am
Lyric variations in brackets(), fisking in red
Early in the Morning,
(I)Hear the razor('s) roar,
There's silver in the stubble
And it wasn't there before.

For(for  Oh!)the leaves are getting  *greener,

And(and  the)spring is on the way;
(And)Girls are getting * prettier
And younger every day.

Silver in the stubble;
Winter in the wood.
**Fare you well,( =definite Goodbye for ever, usually just farewell or the archaic fare thee well)you wicked world,
I'm going to be good.

**Time to think of Heaven;
Time to think of Hell.
(it's)Time to go to church on Sunday,
Hark,(Archaic=listen) I hear the bell.

But if any girl is willing,(is willing, will have me)
She only has to say;
I'll hang my halo on a shelf(shelf hook)
Until another(another my dying) day.(Idiom: s.b.'s dying day,=  the day a person will, does in fact,  or should, die ) 
*Just as with get old, get older = grow old, grow older, many people sing"growing" here.
For some reason , these compound verbs are something Spaniards generally dislike and avoid.

**Standard catholic theology, you should starting thinking of the four last things: death, judgement, heaven, or hell. And of course , repent, confess, and amend your ways!

As written by Sydney Carter in 1964, but popularly sung by many in pubs and clubs.
Copyright Sydney Carter

The newspaper article above:FACTORY BOYS BRISTLE OVER STUBBLE BAN,
wheatstraw & stubble after harvesting
From the Sun, October 4, 1986.
Workers were bristling (  look up "to bristle" , it comes from many animals' habit of reacting aggresively to intrusion, threat, or disturbance by  making their hair go vertical)yesterday over their bosses' ban... on trendy stubble beards.(aka "designer stubble".cf Miguel Bose, etc.)

The firm's younger fellas (horrible sixties female slang fella = fellow) - who copy Wham! star George Michael's hairy style - have had to take the decision on the chin.( dreadful pun : to take something on the chin = accept a problem, face up to a blow, not run away, or sometimes that an attack has hit its target 100%)

Some have been handed razors or sent home when they arrived at the Goodson lampshade factory in Hixon, Stafford.

Management claim five-o-clock shadows give a bad impression to visitors from customers like Marks and Spencer.

Managing director Phillip Goodson said yesterday: "We have high standards. It's disrespectful."

Some of the lads called in( remember this phrasal verb = to consult/ask for the intervention of) their factory inspector to see if the razor ruling was legal.

But they were told management was entitled to expect workers to look smart.

One employee, who did not want to be named, complained: "You can still look smart with a bit of shadow. It's trendy."

Bristly caterpillar

to lie/aI/ lay /leI/, lain/eI/ lying/aII/
to lay /eI/ laid laid laying


Homophones and puns.
Check up the pronunciation to understand these English chestnuts: (=very old jokes)
bear    vs       beer  = bare vs  bier   
Mary had a little lamb, she also had a bear. Ive often seen her little lamb, I've never seen her---- other pet.
Her lies father dear
for fifty years he had his beer
until his bier had him
